What do we do?
- We are to pray and watch for our redemption draws near. We should be praying for our fellow man and for the people groups around the world. Many areas of the world and what his happening there have been overshadowed from the current concerns of the middle-east and Japan. But, in the last few weeks there was a major earthquake in northeastern Myanmar, there are still major problems in Haiti with many people in need of help. Then I have received several letters from pastors and Christians in Pakistan concerning the persecution and more.
- Do what we can! There are several ways you can do what you can. You may choose to go yourself to one or more of these locations to personally help. You may choose to support someone who feels lead to go. You may choose to contribute to one of the many projects going on for relief and reconstruction, building an orphanage or even help develop self-sustaining agricultural projects. But, all of us can pray or become a prayer partner for someone.
Contact Us at Youth Quests International for ideas on how you may help or participate.