Saturday, May 14, 2011

You Ask! "What Should I Pray For?"

You ask, ‘What should I pray for?’
Pretty much all you have to do today in turn on your computer, TV, Radio or pick up a newspaper.  There are so many things to pray about in this point in time that you could be praying all day and not run out of topics to discuss and petition the Lord about, but I will name a few.
How about praying for the victims and family members of the huge tornado outbreak in the South in the recent weeks?  At least one that tore through Alabama was an F5 tearing houses off the foundations and scattering them around, with winds exceeding 261 miles an hour.  Many people have died and they are still going through the debris of homes and businesses to find the missing.
Or you could pray for the various governmental, ethnic and religious fighting going on in the middle-east.  There are wars and fighting going on and protesters shot.
Then again to the heart of America is the flooding that has sent a deluge of water from the might Mississippi River overflowing at record rates, dating back to the early 1900s, into homes, cites, towns and farmland as it makes its way to the Gulf.
Now today on the news we have North Korea and Iran Trading missile technology according to the U.N. Doesn’t sound too good does it?
Just out a few minutes ago: An angry mob attacks Christian protesters in Egypt.  The protesters were peacefully demanding drastice measures to heal religious tensions.  Scores of people have been injured.
Well, these are the signs of the times and we are to watch and pray, live our lives with the peace of God and be an example and witness.
Come quickly Lord!