Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bhutan Pastor and His Wife In Need of Your Prayers

Today I wanted to bring to your attention to a very small country, but very closed to the gospel from the government and very much in need of hearing the Good News and the Love of Jesus, Bhutan.  Also today I wanted share with you a very special prayer request from a Christian minister whom we have been communicating with for a few years.

Here is the letter I received today:  "I write to you this with great sense of urgency.
My wife Reeta and I have been going through very testing times for the last few months.
I need a vey special and urgent constant prayer my wife, She have been carrying for over two months now. She is diabetics and we are monitoring her sugar level. Doctors have admitted her to the hospital off and on. Please pray for her. We are trusting God for the normal health of both the mother and the baby.

In times such as this, our faith is being attacked by fears and doubts within, what doctors say, the word of discouragement that comes from outside and the reasons that seem valid
God has been encouraging through His words. Faith is beyond reasons. God is able to perform miracles beyond our comprehension.
Current prayer requests:

  • Healing of my wife from Diabetes
  • Our Bhutan churches, that they may withstand all persecutions and persist in it’s goal of winning the community
  • Students to whom we have been reaching out to with the gospel.
  • The door for evangelism may be open and grow."
Please pray for these needs and that the walls of deception, persecution and the strongholds of the enemy be brought down!
For more information on how you may help go to: Youth Quests International or Christian Mission Trips or go to the Christian Social Network for Missions.