Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Continual Rains / Mudslides / Effects of the Flooding Hit the 10/40 Window

While watching the news early this morning I was struck by the numerous disasters in Asia and rising tensions in the Middle East and around the world.  The death toll rising, sickness and disease, homeless, starving and numerous millions of families hurt in one way or another or morning for lost loved ones from these recent events.

Continued rains and mudslides in China, the deluge continues in Pakistan and a school collapsed in northern India from excessive rains.  With all these disasters, many have died, more that twenty million affected in Pakistan alone, the short term conditions are deplorable and disease is spreading in Pakistan and may elsewhere as a result of these conditions.

We need to pray for all these things and people and especially for the Christians in these areas. In Pakistan alone I have received several reports from inside of Pakistan from pastors that the aid that is coming in is far less than what is needed to even sustain them, but the relief that is coming is not being distributed to the Christian population in this country. 

Pray that the Lord will supernaturally sustain the Christians in these areas as a witness to the lost and dying that there is a God who loves them and wants them to know Him.  Pray that the doors will open for the Christian aid agencies to be able to go in freely with out restriction to serve, assist, and bring aid and the Word of the Lord.
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