Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Haitian Mission Project Updates and Prayer Requests

Hello from Youth Quests,
I am writing to let you know the progress of the Haitian project we are involved with, the current needs and prayer requests, as well as, our future plans for this project.
The previous team had worked on some crucial and much needed improvements for the following teams who will be working on the projects in this local village area.  They were involved in ministry to the local people as well. The team arriving in the village near Torbeck in just a few days will greatly appreciate all the previous team has done in preparation for them.

Project Updates and Prayer Requests
Will you pray about the following needs? The dollar amounts mentioned are still needed for the projects.) For donations go to:

Water Well
While we were there, we were able to talk with some government officials about drilling a well in preparation for the orphanage we are planning on building there in the area.  Even though they said that they only drill on government or public lands, they agreed to drill the well for a very reasonable $2000.00 for the orphanage project.  We are praising the Lord for this good source of water for the orphanage and ministry.  Pray for the project to progress and the doors to stay open as well as the funds to come in for this project for a good water source for the people.

Poultry Business
The team leaving for Torbeck on July 18th will be working on building the poultry business. The aim of this business is supporting the pastors to be self-sustaining in working with the local people and income generating for the operation of the orphanage.  As of right now, we are currently $2000 short on funds to get this poultry business fully up and running complete with facilities, equipment, chicks and feed.  

Orphanage Projection
We are currently in contact with a Christian man who has been building several homes in Haiti in cooperation with the Haitian government.  He has agreed to build the orphanage in this area employing local people and using good materials for the low cost of $15 per square foot!  Our goal is to start with a 2000 square foot facility that would only cost $30,000; then with the water available, the orphanage would be in a good position to be a blessing to many in that area.

Adoption in Progress
Orphans in this area need hope and a future; currently it is our turn to help an orphan girl be adopted into a Christian family in the USA.  The lawyers in the country have been working on the adoption. All the family needs is another $3,000.00 to complete the adoption process.

Thank you so much for your interest in missions and may the Lord richly bless you,
Haiti Mission Trips  from  Youth Quests International